Tuesday 26 November 2013

Improvement on Refraction and Main Menu

Refraction Problems

- When Move left and right and forth and back from the refracted glass, affect differently to the refracted image on the glass
- The Screen Dimension affected the size and position of the refracted image

Refraction solutions

- Adjust the screen dimension with the distance forth and back in a formula through trial and error

Main Menu Progress

- Most of the buttons are completed except the back, start new game and continue game

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Main Menu Updates!!!!! Nov 13,2013

Changing the whole layout of the main menu.

Current design is more simple than the previous one.

With when you hover the mouse over it, a effect happen to the button, and when you click it, a transition appears from left to right, as though it's clearing the page and a new page follows it.

Done -> First Page of the main menu
          -> Working Buttons
          -> Effect when Hover over button
          -> Transition from the First Page

Not Done -> Other Pages layout and buttons

Sunday 10 November 2013

Main Menu

Basic main menu is currently developing.

Firstly, i research on how other games develop their menu such as what happen when a mouse hover over an button and what happen when you click it.

Interestingly, there are many different types of main menu design and functionality.

Thus, i note down all the button that is needed for the game and is currently developing a prototype design for the main menu

Refraction foundation codes

Refraction foundation codes for the player to sense its distorted platform is done, and left to be implement into a game scene.

The refraction codes faces many obstacles, such as the lack of knowledge and area of maths such as refraction index.

Studying possible ways on index of glass or visible methods or through many data collection such as looking through the distortion and finding where it should be base on the distance you are from the glass, the direction you are facing, where the object is and where the distortion is.

However all this eventually fail, due to my lack of knowledge of maths and ability to decipher on all the data and come out with a reasoning. In which, at that point of research, i realise a major flaw in the distortion created.

Which this major flaw eventually present a major opportunity to solve the problem and finish up the foundation codes for the player to sense its distorted platform.

Smooth-ing the codes for the move-able crates/platforms

This was my first assignment to finish up, to change the crates codes so that it help the people to place the crates at the correct place more on the visual impact.

Firstly, due to the break in between the two semester , there have been some confusion regarding the codes that exists on how i wrote it before.

Secondly, due to the lack of knowledge, new research are needed on how others present on object able to move in game.

With this two in mind, i study my old codes, understanding how and why i wrote it that way in the past due to the limitation of the software or rigid body and at the same time, look into different games that offer carrying object around.

Progress on the codes, current with the new codes, you could at least be sure that the object will surely be there when you drop it as when you touch in on the ground, it will become upright position unlike the old codes that when it touches the ground, it's still in the tilted position and may cause unnecessary shifting again and again on the crates to obtain a perfect position to lay down the crates.